
What does network management entail?

It’s been said that data is the lifeblood of any business — and the network through which it flows is akin to the circulatory system. A properly functioning network is vital to delivering the information that supports and drives every aspect of an organization’s operations.

How to prepare your company for the hybrid work era

The great work from home experiment of 2020 has proved that work can be done — and done well — even outside the confines of a physical office. As such, many companies are now planning to adopt a hybrid work model post-pandemic to accommodate the expectations of employees and to continue reaping the benefits of remote work.

What are information silos and why should you break them?

To stay competitive in today’s business environment, many organizational leaders leverage data. Marketing managers, for example, use data to better understand their customers and improve their initiatives. Chief financial officers look at data to analyze the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses and propose corrective actions.

DDoS attack: What is it and how to defend against it

In February 2020, AWS countered the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in history with traffic coming in at a rate of 2.3 terabits per second (Tbps). That attack broke the previous world records of 1.7 Tbps DDoS attack directed toward a US-based service provider in March 2018 and the 1.35 Tbps attack targeting GitHub in February 2018. These figures show that DDoS attacks are growing in size and complexity, threatening businesses around the world.

Summer team building? Here’s how you can do it virtually

With COVID-19 vaccines still being rolled out in the United States, physical group gatherings will still likely not be advisable by summertime. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have to skip this year’s team building — you can do it virtually.

In this blog, we’ve compiled some virtual team building ideas you can explore:
Go on a virtual vacation
Images of seawater, sand, and the sun often come to mind when it’s summer.

How to protect your macOS devices from malware

Does your macOS device suddenly seem slower? Is your browser crashing? Are you being bombarded with pop-up ads? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your Mac device may be infected with malware.

Yes, that’s right, Mac users can no longer boast how their devices are “bulletproof” against malware.

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